Now there's a thing: Banks lying: Banks cheating: Banks
taking advantage: Banks paying themselves shed loads. Now here's another thing:
Politicans pole-axed; caught in the headlights; rolling on their backs;
sounding terribly in charge when they have no friggin' idea what to do about
Banks. Then again there's "Too big too fail" set that against
"too insignificant to matter a jot".
I don't know who I despise more, Fred the Shred, "Legs" Diamond or
Pinky and Perky the neighbours from Hell at 10 & 11 Downing Street. At
least the first two are bad, bad and very bad - that's something I can
understand. But the 2Ps - they're just noise, mouth, and a plausibility that is
deadly, murderous and hateful.
Can you imagine how long it took Pinky and Perky to cut the welfare budget;
to screw the poorest, to hand Murdoch the keys to the Sky: a nana-second or
less. It took them nearly 48 hours to admit that something was very rotten in
the City. How do they respond - a review of the operation of libor?
As I understand it, dealers (and I believe with the knowledge of senior
managers/board) at Barclays and other bastions of our great City (sick) have
lied and cheated, have mislead, deceived, put at risk the reputation not only
the City of London but the UK as a place where you can make an honest buck. And
all we get from the two little piggies is a friggin' review! Heads should be
severed from shoulders at the very least. Public disembowelling might be in
What happens if you're a bank and are dishonest big time? No sweat a slap on
the wrist. A £60 million fine.
Now that may seem like an awful lot of money to someone who's working hard,
but is paid so little that they need housing benefit, child benefit and Council
Tax benefit to keep body and soul together, but to Barclays, to Bob Diamond
it's a piss pot of dosh. They'd pee that out in an hour or two.
But it's not with them I'm angry. It's bloody Pinky and Perky and their self
satisfied cohorts that "run the country" that get my goat. What
hideous crime did we collectively commit to be saddled with those two dorks.
I'm going to lie down now: I feeling quite dizzy.
Steve, what can Iceland teach us?
Dear Sag, I sense some tension and anger in your voice. Am I right?
Dear Bobby baby, how would you like to clean out the stables?