Poo Song
The internet is a truly wonderful facility. I am now connected thro' the web to millions of people and speak to at least four of them.
However the real breakthrough is the profusion of apps (applications to those of us who wrote with slate and chalk).
Many of these little Java wonders are frivolous, inconsequential and, in some instances, downright dangerous (e.g. "Jamie's 20 minute meals" or Duncan's " Masonic Ritual "). Others like "The Beer Expert" or "Pocket Salsa" are indispensable to the modern "can do" man or woman on the move, moving upwards.
However, they all pale in comparison to the app my mate Pete introduced me to. As yet, it's not available on the mobile.
It's the Domestos "Flush Tracker". No matter where your smallest room in the house is you can track the journey of your efforts from start to finish. It's GoogleMaps for turds, SatNavs for number two's.
One frightening fact is that my poo travels faster in the sewer than I do driving my car. I know - I'm a shit driver.
The possibilities are limitless. A poo race between towns. Towns, with similar poo speeds could be twinned. A poo Olympics. Interstate poo wars. The system could be personalised. I could go on. I won't.
Instead I urge you to visit the site now, or after a visit to that smallest room, at http://www.flushtracker.com/index.php?page=start&ln=uk.
The future's brown, the future's Domestos.
A poo cam is a great idea - I'll mention it to Domestos I'm sure they'll love the idea as much we do!
I do think they chickened out calling their app "Flush tracker" so I'm also forwarding your suggestion which is great.
P.S. Just thought there might be some confusion here since I think most people use "Shit" as an adjective to describe the performance of their SatNav,