To Sleep, Perchance to Dream.....

FullSizeRenderGolly Gosh, winter appears to be loosening its grip and the earth is beginning to move under our feet. Residents of Poets' Corner are feeling the effect and slowly are stirring out of doors: pups gamboling, owners clinging on for dear life as little Lottie hammers down Browns Road taking her "loving" owner in her wake to Lloyds Park. There to exchange the time of day with other dogs and their owners.

Allotmenteering residents in Poets Corner now make their way to garden centres to purchase this year's seed potatoes - hoping that the sodden patch that is their allotment plot will dry out and the crop won't rot in the ground.

Gardeners are taking hesitant steps into the back garden; last visited in those distant days of late 2014. A quick perusal of the scene confirms the site as the communal bog for the hundreds of cats that live in the area.

Amazingly our Council is waking up from its winter hibernation. Contrary to the evidence, where letters of complaint, cries for help and dustbin emptying have lain unopened, things are stirring in our Council's bolt hole on Forest Road. It's been suggested that the sounds of laughter and loud music originating from "Turtle Bay" at "The Scene" have permeated into the duvet wrapped offices and  Councillors and officers alike are rubbing their eyes and noting that it is now mid February 2015.

Suddenly we are bombarded by e-mails from our dear Council. "The Spring Street Clean": "Love Your Borough" awards 2015: The Mayor of London "Capital Clean Up" summer campaign...and, of course, the Council staying awake long enough to approve  the Village's "Mini Holland" scheme.

We, in Poets' Corner are doing our best to emulate the Council's impressive energy and activity. We'll be having our various "Spring Street Clean" on the last 2 weekends in March. Milton, Brown's and Aubrey will have a mass sweep on the 29th.

Then there's the E17 Art Trail - we'll be entering it once again. This year's theme will be Storytelling and we're frantically working up a plan for our entry.

As the days lengthen our thoughts turn to hot summer afternoons and Street Parties. Milton Road will be repeating its hugely popular party and we're planning what we can do to compete with all the other street parties in the area during the Big Lunch Sunday on the 7th of June!

I think I now need a nap. The thought of all this activity and excitement has tired me out....


Steve said…
You have a spring street clean? Wow. Now that is middle class. We just have an occasional litter picker.
MrandMrs said…
My husband says Poets Corner was in Hyde Park. Has it moved?
Bojo said…
The rutting season is almost here...
Marginalia said…
Dear Steve, we're extremely up our own fundamentals in Walthamstow.

Dear Mr&Mrs: No that's Speakers Corner. There is a less important Poets Corner in Westminster Abbey.

Dear Bojo: The rut is the mating season of ruminant animals such as deer, sheep, elk, moose, caribou, camel, goats, pronghorn and Asian and African antelope. If the cap fits.

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