Dead Again: Or How I Saved Mankind (Chapter 4 of 13)
Chapter 4: Sarah, Adrian’s wife, the
Professor, a mega computer and other universes
I decided to
go for a long walk. I had to clear my head after the recent events at work.
I have a
very unimportant job at one of the science research councils. I do the filing
and a few other “odds and sods”.
I had been
working at an estate agent in Chingford. Nice job, near home and reasonable
hours. And then in a moment of madness it all went topsy turvy.
I lost my job because I (accidentally)
e-mailed a photocopy of my bum to about two hundred clients and my company‘s
headquarters in Leeds.
In one way
it was good. Losing my job meant that the fling I was having with my boss was
curtailed – anyway he seemed to lose interest when I wasn’t “on tap”. My
husband Adrian forgave me – that’s not fair – that makes him sound rather
Victorian and proper.
He just shrugged his shoulders, wrapped me in his arms
and that was that.
I went to an employment tribunal but lost my
case, which wasn’t a problem except that the local paper got hold of the story
and a photograph of me. Adrian came home one evening saying he’d seen my
photograph in the local paper. He’d got talking to a fellow traveller, Dave,
who’d lent him the paper.
I hadn’t
been in my new job for that long, a couple of months or so, but I’d settled
down and although the work’s fairly routine the people I work for are dealing
with really top notch science projects. There’s always a buzz in the office,
people talking about this new technique, or that speculative area of research.
The park was
busy; it always is at lunch time – fellow office workers breathing in deeply
the fresh (ish) air, catching a few moments of relaxation. I wasn’t sure
whether to walk round the lake or sit on one of the benches looking over the
lake and just watch the ducks and geese being fed. One of the benches was empty
so I sat down and simply gazed at the birds on the lake. I needed to get things
sorted out in my head.
If you had
told me last week what would have happened over the next few days I wouldn’t
have believed you.
The Monday
started as usual. I checked the post,
exchanged a few words with the other girls in the office and made myself a cup
of coffee. Then I’m dragged into a meeting with my boss, Peter. He’s a sweetie,
extremely formal but a gentleman.
“Sarah, I’m
sorry to impose on you like this but I need someone to take notes of this
morning’s meeting. The lead scientists on one of the projects we’re sponsoring
are bringing us up to date on progress. It’s nothing to worry about and I sure
you’ll be fine, but I need a verbatim record.”
“That’s not a problem Peter.”
they’ll be here in about half an hour. It might be good if you meet them and
bring them up to the meeting room. We want to give them a good impression.”
I took that
as a compliment – well, wouldn’t you?
There were
three of them in the waiting area. They looked pretty ordinary I thought. I’d
expected long hair and unkempt, creased suits or sports jackets with leather
patches, but they were dressed like any company executive.
“Professor Clements? I’m Sarah Proops; I work
with Peter Cousins, would you come this way please?”
The Professor was about thirty to thirty five,
clean shaven with close cropped hair and academic glasses. He introduced the
other two.
“ Dr Anita
Holmes and Dr Andrew James, my research
colleagues; it’s a pleasure to meet you Ms Proops.”
We took the
lift to the sixth floor. As we were walking along the corridor to the meeting
room, I asked if they’d had a pleasant journey and whether they were staying
over night.
“Oh, the journey was fine, and much as we’d like to stay over, we
have to get back tonight – we’ve a lot on as you can imagine.” I couldn’t, but
inferred they thought I knew more than I did: which was interesting.
“Good to see
you again John, and Anita and Andrew of course.”
Peter was standing at the far end of the room
and came towards them with his hand held out.
“You know, of course, Dr Fritz Herzog and
you’ve already met Sarah. Can I offer you any tea or coffee?”
I knew my role and started to pour out the
“Well, exciting times.” Peter continued, “Now
do sit down and we can start without any delay. I’ve asked Sarah to make a
verbatim note of this meeting – given its possible significance I thought that
was best.”
“John, I
wonder if first you could rehearse the background to your research and then
bring us up to date with the most recent developments.”
As he spoke Peter glanced over to me and nodded
slightly. I took that to mean that I should start scribbling at my one hundred
words a minute.
Who said short hand was as dead as the dodo?
“Thank you
Peter, I’ll begin with the background and my colleagues will give you the
details of our latest work and thinking. We’ll try not to be too technical.” I
felt a patronising moment coming on, but ignored it.
The Professor continued, “As you will know my
team and I have been pursuing the possibilities of a computational device which
uses the unusual properties of quantum mechanics. This is not new; work both
practical and theoretical has been taking place in this field for a number of
years now. Indeed, if you believed what you read in the press and popular
science journals such a device is already at the near production stage.”
“That, of course, is not the strictly true; however my
team and I believe we have glimpsed, I’ll put it no stronger than that at this
stage, a major break through. The science is speculative and many of my
colleagues in the field think we’re on the wrong track. Others believe it is
far too early to set out any trajectory for the work.
However, I remain
convinced that we are onto something which is of considerable importance. Given
a fair wind, some luck and adequate funding we should have a device, in the not
to distant future, which will supplant all other computational machines.”
The academic
relaxed back in his chair and continued. “Today's computers work by
manipulating bits that exist in one of two states: a 0 or a 1. Quantum
computers aren't limited to two states; they encode information as quantum
bits, or qubits, which can exist in superposition. This is basic quantum
He went onto describe something to do with this superposition meaning
that these qubits could do millions of calculations at once, making them much
more powerful than ordinary PCs. What with that and “entanglement”- linking two
atoms together so that you can tell what happens to one atom by what happens to
the other - I started to struggle. Apparently “entanglement” allows you to
measure the values generated by the qubits.
I didn’t really follow it, but the end result was a pretty impressive
mega computer.
“As I’ve already pointed out that’s nothing
new and there has already been some limited success in making a practical
quantum computer. What we’ve been able to do is add another layer of complexity
onto this structure.”
“We have
superimposed a Boltzmann probability function onto the qubits. So rather than
lots of possible solutions we produce the most likely solution. The other
solutions are discarded and the computation re-run, speeding up the process by
a factor of 10 to the power of six.”
I could see
that this was impressive as the Professor’s colleagues mentally preened
“We also use
entanglement to feed back solutions into the qubits which further accelerates
the computational processes.”
At this point Fritz piped up. Now he was what
one thought of as a real scientist. Messy hair and a clean, carbolic smell with
a clear sense of his own brilliance. His
cultivated English accent was a surprise – I’d expected something more
“What really
surprised us were the unusual multi- universe effects you described. Very
unexpected; along with the energy levels generated. How are you going to
contain or dissipate them?”
“Like you we
were startled by the figures falling out of the equations.” It was now Dr Anita
Holmes’s turn to take up the story.
“How could
such a system be sustained or remain stable at such energy levels? It was quite
ludicrous – if you followed the science through you were talking about levels
which would power not just stars but whole star systems. It was impossible,
totally unreal; yet the science and the mathematics worked. We needed to nail this down one way or the
“For the
last nine months all we’ve been doing has been re-checking the maths,
re-checking the programs and re- running them. We just had no explanation –
what could generate these levels of energy? A new force, collapsing universes?
We even came up with little green men manipulating the fundamental laws of
physics. But nothing - until last week.”
“One of our
colleagues was reviewing a couple of sub routines in a pretty obscure program.
The maths looked straight forward but then she glimpsed a bifurcation where we
didn’t expect any. Down that route we found the huge energy gains still being
created but they could be dissipated through a phase shift – a dimensional
phase shift. We had a mechanism for carrying away this energy in discrete
packets. These energy packets would, quite literally, punch their way through
the fabric of our space into another universe.”
“What we
have is quite unheard of, a conduit between universes channelling enough energy
to power galaxies and all this at the sub quantum level.”
Now Dr James
chimed in. I couldn’t help writing in the margin “Quite a little variety
frankly it’s a mess.”
I was too
busy imagining little green men hurrying down a subway to bring death and
destruction to yours and mine to sympathise too much with their dilemma, if
that was what it was. But even to my unscientific mind this seemed pretty major
– Dr Who with menace and then some.
these packets of energy is that all they are?” Fritz spoke extremely slowly as
he uttered those words. Clearly he knew the answer to his own question and
wanted to gain the maximum dramatic effect. Did I say I thought he was a smart
“It occurs to me that these
quanta of energy would be carrying away more than just energy – they’re also
carrying away coherent information – the discarded solutions generated by your
modified qubits?”
“Quite, Dr
Herzog; if we are right, and I have no reason to doubt it at this stage, what
we have is startling beyond the wildest imaginings. How these huge energy
levels can be generated in the first place is a major problem, but what is…” he
hesitated for a while, “... the real mystery is why these packets of quanta
should be carrying away intelligible, coherent information. What is the point?
It’s as if it is done for a purpose.”
At that
point the meeting broke up. I escorted the Professor and his colleagues to the
entrance, wished them a safe journey home after agreeing to phone the
Professor’s secretary to book a visit to their facilities within the next
fortnight. I then returned to the office.
“Did you get
down everything?”
“Peter, I
think so – the important bits at least. You’ll have a draft in half an hour or
“And what did you think of it, Sarah.”
“Oh if I didn’t know better I’d think we’d
just visited Alice in Wonderland with a detour to Grimms Fairy Tales.”
“My thoughts
exactly. Interesting times, Sarah, interesting times. How do you fancy a trip
to Cambridge and the Professor’s experiment?”
Chapter 5: Dave’s number theory in
Dead World and hitching a ride with the Real Dead.
I found
myself floating alone. No Adrian, no Rabbit.
“This is not
good.” I thought, “How the hell do I find them in this infinity?”
Then a
possible solution began to form in my mind. There’s a problem in number theory
– counting numbers. Are two sets of infinities the same size or is one bigger
than the other?
Picking up
on Adrian’s idea of sets it struck me that there were two infinite sets, the
infinity of all the Real Dead and the infinity of all the Near Dead and Live
If I could pair each object within one set with an object in the other
set and if one set was bigger than the other I might end up with a remainder
which contained Adrian and the Rabbit. …..
Dear Bojo: So Sorry but she asked Google to delete all links to that story. She said if you asked nicely and gave her your personal e-mail address she might do you a one off special.
Dear JtH: Sorry