Adapt or Die

The Fallen Angels Entering Pandemonium, from 'Paradise Lost', Book ...

We've been used to solutions. Everything can be fixed - except death and we're not giving up on that. We can bring back a crippled space capsule 200,000 above the Earth. We can pin point a rocket to fly by a minor planet 4.7 billion miles away. We can replace hearts, lungs, livers you name it. We have explanations for the deepest questions. We can turn black liquid into the motor of this planet, construct dams, windfarms, solar field to quench our thirst for electricity. 

We don't appear to have a solution to our stupidity or the covid virus. Our collective stupidity is the hardest nut to crack. We elect politicians who make outrageous claims, who promise to get things done, who masquerade as the friend of the common man determined to drain the swamp. We believe these mountebanks despite history's evidence and their own behaviour that such people are not to be trusted. 

Americans elect as President  a child who has no experience of high office, government or for that matter running a business successfully.  In America, fellow travellers are placed in power whose interest are clearly not aligned to that of the majority of the electorate yet they are voted into power. Using that to enrich their backers and friends while impoverishing and emasculating a fair share of that country's population. In America they elect a party hijacked by a clique whose only vision is discord and isolation. In America the electorate have voted for a massive diminution of its country wealth, influence and good standing.  

  Here, in the UK, we elect a party and a Prime Minister that has shown itself incapable or unwilling to address both the serious economic shortcoming in the country and the increasing divide between the rich and poor. We overwhelming elect a party whose leader's only animus is a "Will to Power". A man with a silver tongue and a touch of lead. Truly "King Midas in Reverse".

And so onto the world stage populated by idiots, fantasists, megalomaniacs and the plain stupid marches covid. To quote Cassius  "Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a Colossus." At such a time of worldwide disunity and sheer pigheadedness we are visited by this highly contagious virus. It doesn't even have its own DNA! 

As this infinitesimal piece of nature's quirkiness sweeps across the globe, we've laughed it off, dismissed it as mere flu. 50,000 dead in the UK, the US with 156,000 followed by Brazil, it's no laughing matter. Our Prime Minister nearly died because he joked about it in early March. In the US and Brazil thousands have died needlessly because the country's elected leaders were too stupid or egoistical to bother. 

In the States profit over people seems to be giving the virus a helping hand. In the UK mismanagement has opened the door for the virus to reinfect. A government who gets a lot of support from our entrepreneurial Muslim citizens has just effectively banned Eid in the Greater Manchester area of the UK.  This is not because they're following the science, this because they didn't follow the science in February and early March, when they thought they knew better than those strange people in the Far East.

The virus is in the world and it isn't going away. Don't hold out for a solution - a vaccine - it may come far too late for many thousands. What we have to do is to adapt to live with the virus all around us. Principally that means following a few simple rules about hand washing, masks and social distancing.

It also means a total brain and ego transplant of those we stupidly elected to run our planet.  


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