How to survive in a locked down world
I was suffering from Covid anxiety brought on by constantly checking my iPhone for the most recent updates of the plague's unstoppable march across the surface of the globe. And reading the dire reports of financial meltdown. Also the thought that uniquely we have world leaders remarkably unskilled in dealing with this problem.
The Trump neurosis is particularly harmful. Watching a 6 month old who should be in diapers pretending to be a world leader seriously damages one's mental health. The Trump child has the classic signs of immaturity - everything is about him.
Anyway, I've cured my anxiety but social distancing from the media and all forms of contact via the net. I only will read Twitter posts that are positive or funny or say what a shit Trump is. I read the Washington Post once a day and the Guardian and Independent maybe once or twice a day. I switch off the radio and TV news after 10 secs.
My TV viewing is now restricted to TalkingPicturesTV and any black and white movie. Netflix is out of bounds as is any documentary about aliens - apparently they've visited this bug on us, Foxnews now reports. My radio listening is restricted to murder mysteries and comedy shows - although I get more comfort out of Paul Temple than Would I Lie to You. The Archers Is unmissable being at least 60 years behind the times.
All this has had the effect of reducing my Covid anxiety levels dramatically. Now I have to cope with being locked up with the missus 24 hours a day. any ideas?