What's So Bad About Feeling Good

Spent an hour or so at the allotment covering up my potatoes. I then went on to pot up an army of Japanese spinach and a whole cohort of tomato plants. I had planned to cut the asparagus but couldn't be bothered as there was a veritable forest of the stuff and it would have taken back breaking hours to do that. That's a job for tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow. 

I also inspected the fruit trees: by the right, number! I am very optimistic I reckon there'll be boxes of apples and punnets of cherries this year. I have an orchard of borage - self seeded and multiplying like an oversexed colony of tribbles. My 150 + broad bean plants are slowly maturing - I do love broad beans. My sequentially planted garden peas are growing in sequence. The Strawbs are far out man, and along with their bed fellows the gooseberry bushes are making like a fool on a hill.

That just leaves the wild strawberries seeds to kick in and the sweet corn to reach eight miles high, with the winter squash making crazy patterns in the sky. Basil is here, there and everywhere- it is such  a bummer in the city - but the medler tree is promising a whiter shade of pale and the kink in the vine will surely straighten out on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

I think I must have a word with my neighbouring allotment holder. He's mixing some strange brew and I'm wondering about all that strange fruit he has under cover.

Yeah, but I'm feelin' good....


Steve said…
I love broad beans. One of the few veg I actively adored as a kid. My granddad used to grow them which I am sure added to my enthusiasm.
Anonymous said…
I'm gonna be round my vegetables
I'm gonna chow down my vegetables
I love you most of all
My favorite vegetable

If you brought a big brown bag of them home
I'd jump up and down and hope you'd toss me a carrot

I'm gonna keep well my vegetables
Cart off and sell my vegetables
I love you most of all
My favorite vegetable
Oh oh, taba vega vegel

Bojo said…
Nothing like spreading your seed I say
Nota Bene said…
A positive garden of Eden...
Anonymous said…
Was this written while lying on the floor in a white room after ingesting magic mushrooms?
Jo Jo said…
Why is Eartha Kitt's photo at the top?
Marginalia said…
Dear Steve: you're not equating me with your granddad!

Dear Anon: Smile!

Dear Bojo: Educate your younger brother. Eartha Kitt!! It's Nina of course.

Dear Nota Bene: Yeah, but it can be Hell sometimes.

Dear Anon 2: Search me man.

Dear JoJo: Do grow up!

The Sagittarian said…
Lettuce begin....
Marginalia said…
Dear Sag, But I might rabbit on....

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