Village Green Preservation Society

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers"

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

"They think it's all over, it is now."

"What do you think of it so far? Rubbish."

Just a few of the (printable) comments from neighbours and passers by during yesterday's astonishingly successful "Milton Road Residents' Association Spring Clean.

Fear not David Cameron the Big Society is safe (and clean) with us.

This was the culmination of two months intense preparation. Finding out who lived in our street. Whether or not they were on the Met police's "most wanted list". Had they paid their Council Tax?

Taking a lead from our hugely successful 2010 Sweepathon, the Council introduced a borough wide scheme - apparently they weren't that happy  with the private contractors who usually clean our streets and thought that the residents would make a better fist of it. 

We don't just sweep the streets: nothing so mundane for our residents. No, we had a plant sale, a cake sale, a bric a brac sale - in fact anything that would fund the extravagant lifestyle of our Residents' Association. As a result of last year's endeavour we have been able to buy a new tree for the street. We placed our order in June last year and it arrived 2 days before the Street Clean, thanks mainly to the work of our local councillors, and really helpful officials.

There are many dedicated, hard working and intelligent people striving in our Council - it's just that they're stymied by a hugely inefficient structure. Our councillors are caring, hard working and really, really non political when it comes down to getting things done. The system just somehow muffles all theirs and the officials' efforts.

This year's Sweep was even better than last year's. More people, more fun and more rubbish! What more could you ask for.Oh, we have enough money to buy another tree for the street! to misquote Macbeth:

'Fear not, till Milton Road wood
Do come to Epping Forest: and now a wood
Comes toward Epping Forest."

We wait, we plan, and we confound. In a minor road in North East London the residents are stirring.


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